The Department Today
One of the oldest in the University - Department of construction, theoretical and applied mechanics, was founded in 1907. The first Head - Professor S.A. Zaborovski, Academic O.M. Dinnik, Professor A.S. Lokshin. Professor F.W. Florinskiy headed the Department from 1934 to 1973 , and in the next 20 years - Professor V. Onishchenko. Since 1993 to 2013, the department was headed by S.E. Blokhin, the Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Since 2016, the department is headed by
Doctor of Technical Sciences Dmytro Kolosov.
Over the years, such famous scientists as Academician V.A. Lazarian, Professor A.I. Grdina, Professor N.P. Grishkova-Dinnik
worked at the department.
The department is one of the leading organizations in the dynamics of the ropes, the theory of elasticity, dynamics and strength of mining and transport machines and structures. Over the last 25 years research the laboratory of dynamics and strength of the supporting structures of artificial structures of mining enterprises operates as adepartment branch.
The results of scientific research are introduced at many mining companies.
Scientific developments of the department are marked by high awards of
national and
regional level.
The main areas of the department are:
teaching of fundamental scientific subjects that are among the standard for most specialties (theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, engineering mechanics, applied mechanics, structural mechanics, analytical dynamics, calculation of load-bearing structural elements of mining machinery enterprises);
- development of
modern scientific and methodological support of educational process;
- conducting research on the state budget themes: "Scientific and applied principles of creation of modern hoisting and transport installations with humorous traction bodies" 2017-2019, scientific adviser - doctor of technical sciences, prof. Samusya V.I. and "Scientific and applied principles of creation and engineering support of operation of hoisting-and-transport machines with flat traction-bearing bodies with application of CALS-technologies" 2018-2020, scientific adviser - doctor of technical sciences, associate professor Kolosov D.L.;
- expansion of international relations by entering into international scientific programs, participation in international symposia and conferences;
- organization of independent work, self-development skills, educational work.
At present the department consists of 3 professors - 2 Sc.D.'s and 1 Ph.D., 1 Associate Professor - Sc.D., 2 senior lecturers, 2 assistants.
Over the years the department submitted 16 doctoral and 93 Ph.D. theses, published 12 monographs and books, received 78 patents.