Department of STAM

History of the department

  • Equipment of mechanical laboratory (lab of materials testing) was completed at the end of 1904. Dobrynin N.M. was the head of the laboratory in 1904-1906, in 1906-1922 - prof. Zaborowski S.A., in 1922 the laboratory was headed by A. Dinnyk. Ilovajskij A.S. and Skuratov G.A. were laboratory assistant engineers (Ilovajskij - until 1932, Skuratov in 1922-1930).
  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics, founded in Katerynoslav Higher Mining College (KHMC) in 1913, was headed by prof.  Dinnyk O.M.. At the same time, the auditorium of theoretical mechanics was founded. It had a library, a collection of kinematic models, demonstration devices for testing. Skuratov G.A. headed the study. Under the supervision of Dinnyk O.M. the Department of Theoretical Mechanics had become more applied, and in May of 1919 changed its name to the Department of Technical Mechanics.
  • There were several research departments in the institute in 1926. Among them, a research Department of Mechanics had a few scientific sections: Theoretical Mechanics (head - prof. Hrdina Ya.I.), Technical Mechanics (head - prof. Dinnyk O.M.), and Mining Mechanics (head - prof. Makovskyy V.M.).

Scientists that were heads of the department over the years:
  • Dinnyk Alexander (1869-1950), engineer, graduated from Kyiv University in 1899, member of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1929), USSR (1946), worked in the Mining Institute in the 1913-1941 biennium, headed the department of theoretical mechanics in 1913 -1930 OM's work Dinnyka brought him well-deserved recognition. This research on the stability of elastic equilibrium of straight and curved rods of variable rigidity theory hoisting ropes, pressure rocks. O.M.Dinnyk - author of many books, manuals, guides, articles in physics, applied mathematics, theoretical mechanics, strength of materials and elasticity theory, defended three doctoral dissertations. After the reorganization of Metallurgical Faculty of DRI and Steel Institute (DMetI) O.M.Dinnyk went to work to DMetI, but continued to lead the Department of Mechanics and DRI. In 1930, the DRI was created Department of Theoretical and structural mechanics. Her head apprentice O.M.Dinnyka, Doctor of Applied Mathematics, Professor. AS Lokshin.
  • Lokshin A.S. (1893-1934), graduated Ekaterynoslavsky Mining Institute in 1918 and the proposal AM Dinnyka was on the graduate faculty, Assistant Professor (1920), Associate Professor (1923), Professor (1925), Doctor of Applied Mathematics (1928), Head of the Department in the 1930-1934 biennium.
  • Professor Lokshin A.S. is the author of many works in applied mathematics, physics, theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, theory of elasticity. His main interests - a torsion rod and anisotropic prisms, curved rods stability constant and variable cross section, prokolnyy bend in the distribution of load resistance and vibrations of plates reinforced by ribs.
  • Florinsky F.V. (1905-1975), engineer, graduated from the DRI in 1930, PhD, Professor (1948), worked in thedepartment in 1930-1975 he headed the department in the 1934-1973 biennium F.V.Florynskyy is the author of many basic research in applied mathematics, dynamics of machines and mechanisms, but the most famous were his study the dynamic efforts of mine hoisting rope. Established FV Florinsky dynamic theory calculation of mine hoisting rope is a scientific basis for further work in this area.
  • Onishchenko V.I. (1924-2005) graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk State University in 1950, Department of construction and theoretical mechanics DRI (1950-1953), candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1958), Professor (1960), Dean of Physics and Technology Faculty, Vice President for Academic of the Dnepropetrovsk State University, rector of the Mining Institute (1973-1982), who headed the department from 1973 to 1993 V. Onishchenko - the author works in the field of spatial elasticity, strength and stability of structures, elastic-strain state of rock massif, structural elements of mining machinery, hoisting ropes.
  • Under the guidance of prof. Onishchenko V.I. after a long break upgraded research in rock pressure. In 1974-1977 he analyzed the stress-strain state of rock massif, which had interaction with mechanical supports. This problem was solved in cooperation with prof. Novikova L.V. and a group of employees of the Department of Mathematics.
  • Blokhin Serhii Yevhenovych (1954-2013) was the Head of the department from 1993 to 2013. Blokhin S.Ye. was a civil engineer, doctor of technical sciences, professor, outstanding scientist in the field of structural mechanics and applied theory of elasticity, was born on March 27, 1954 in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1977 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Engineers. He began his career at the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the guidance of a well-known scientist in the field of mechanics - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lazaryan. After defending his dissertation (1981) - assistant professor, associate professor (1982), professor (1990), head of the department (since 1993) of construction, theoretical and applied mechanics, dean (from 1994 to 2013)) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the National Mining University. The doctoral dissertation (1989) "Dynamics of traction units and increase of efficiency of operation of quarry trains" has begun the cycle of the scientific works devoted to systems of compulsory entry of railway crews in a curve of small radius. Automatic trolley control systems are currently successfully used at Olenegirsky, Gubkinsky, Almalyksky and Sokolovsko-Sarbaysky mining and processing plants. Blokhin SE - Initiator of the creation on the basis of the National Mining University branch research laboratory "Dynamics and strength of load-bearing structures of artificial structures of mining and metallurgical enterprises of the SOUTH" of the USSR Minchormet. In 1988, after the order to establish the unit, he became the scientific director of this laboratory (hereinafter "Center"). In fact, for the first time in domestic practice, the Center's staff conducted comprehensive experimental studies of the interaction of artificial structures and crews of rolling stock of quarry transport, studied the dynamics of mine ditches, hoists, galleries of conveyor belts, considered a range of tasks related to increasing service life. and increasing the safety of operation of mine surface facilities. He has published about 200 scientific papers, including 3 monographs, prepared 7 candidates and 2 doctors of sciences. Blokhin SE - Academician of the Hoisting and Transport Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, for a long time was a member of the expert councils of the SAC MES of Ukraine and the HAC of Ukraine. Blokhin SE - Laureate of the award named after Academician VA Lazaryan in the field of mechanics (1985), as well as the prize. Lenin Komsomol of Ukraine (1987 - "technical sciences"). For his contribution to the training of personnel for the mining industry he was awarded the Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (1999), the Shakhtar Glory badges.

Outstanding scientists who worked at the department

Among the teachers of the department were prominent scientists: O.M. Dinnik, S.A. Zaborovsky, SB Scharbe (Professor, Master of Astronomy, in 1907-1913 he headed the Department of Analytical Mechanics), A.Sh. Lokshin, teachers VE Zagulin, NM Dobrynin, A.S. Ilovaisky, GA Skuratov; head of the section of theoretical mechanics Ya.I. Grdina; heads of the section of mining mechanics VM Makovsky, KE Roerich; associate professors A.O. Spivakovsky, AA Gorin, NP Grishkova, VS Makarov.
One of the main directions of scientific research of the staff of the department since its creation is the dynamic theory of calculation of mine hoists. Professor SA Zaborovsky studied the calculation of steel ropes, mine stands and fasteners. The formulation and solution of these issues at that time were innovative.

Created by Acad. OHM. Today, the mechanical testing laboratory has become a testing center for steel ropes and other mining equipment in Ukraine. OHM. Dinnik created scientific schools in the field of theory and calculation of hoisting ropes, stability of elastic equilibrium, the doctrine of rock pressure. To study the longitudinal oscillations of ropes with a load located at the end, he first considered the rope as a continuous elastic system. The coefficients of stability, which he found, were included in the reference literature. Considering in the first approximation the rock as an elastic isotropic medium and using the means of the theory of elasticity, O.M. Diary determined the law of distribution and the magnitude of stress in the mine workings. His study of the curvature of boreholes and dynamic calculation of the impact rod is widely known.

The student OM Dinnik, prof. A.Sh. Lokshin received his doctorate in applied mathematics after defending his dissertation on the topic: "Dynamic stresses in hoisting ropes." In the monograph devoted to the determination of dynamic stresses in hoisting ropes of constant length and variable cross section, the problems of sudden stopping of the upper end of the rope, transmission of speed to the final load, sudden addition of final load and rope weight, accelerated speed of upper end, and ropes of variable length. This work was an important stage in the development of the doctrine of the dynamic processes that take place in hoisting ropes. It became the basis of a number of studies in this direction. Many works by A.Sh. Noodles are translated into German, French and English.

Professor F.V. Florinsky was a student of A.Sh. Lokshina and a follower of the scientific school OM Diary for the calculation of mine ropes, the choice of their optimal parameters and forecasting their durability. He was the first to solve the problem of deceleration limit values ​​during safety braking of a mine hoisting machine. The results of many years of research by prof. F.V. Florinsky reflected in the monograph "Dynamics of the mine hoisting rope." In this monograph for the first time the acceptance of the transverse dimensions of the lifting rope is substantiated. This monograph is a table book of several generations of scientists, including students F.V. Florinsky, who worked in the field of steel rope theory. In different years, many scientists and teachers have devoted their research to the dynamic theory of calculation of steel ropes, including Acad. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, prof. V.A. Lazaryan, prof. NP Grishkova-Dinnik, associate professors IA Lokshin, E.M. Karasyk, E.G. Stepanov, DN Kosenko, SI Lyakhovytsky and others.

The student of prof. F.V. Florinsky, Leonid Viktorovich Kolosov (1938-2000), a scientist in the field of mine lifting. In 1960 he graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute with a degree in Mining Machinery. For three years he worked as a design engineer at the Kamyshburun Iron Ore Plant, after which he completed his postgraduate studies and in 1967 defended his dissertation. L.V. Kolosov is a successor to the scientific school of theory and calculation of mine hoisting ropes, which was formed at the Mining Institute AN Dinnik and F.V. Florinsky. L.V. Kolosov studied the dynamics of steel ropes in terms of their interaction with the lifting machine. His study of the joint solution of the mechanical system and the control system of the drive and brake of the hoisting machine was reflected in the monograph "Vertical transport at mining enterprises" (1975). Under the leadership of LV Kolosov created a new scientific direction for the calculation and design of flat rubber ropes, developed a theory of calculation of these ropes, their design, technical documentation for the manufacture and operation. Created by L.V. Kolos ropes of the second generation since 1995 and to the present are manufactured at the RMZ of JSC "Kryvbaszalizorudkom" and are operated on all multi-rope lifts of Kryvbas, on coal mines of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Research on the theory of fatigue failure of ropes is summarized by him in his doctoral dissertation "Scientific basis for the development and application of rubber ropes hoisting installations of deep mines" (1987). In 1988 he was awarded the academic title of professor. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, under his guidance 9 graduate students defended their dissertations, five - became doctors of technical sciences. A follower of the scientific school of Professor LV Kolosova, Professor Ropay VA, published more than 140 scientific papers in this scientific direction, received 30 patents for the design of steel and rubber ropes, conveyor belts and methods of their manufacture. With the participation of prof. Ropaya VA 10 technical conditions for new rope constructions were developed and introduced into production. According to the patent of Ukraine № 21061, published on 15.06.2001, bulletin №5, “Flat balancing rope” (authors: Kolosov LV, Ropay VA (NMU), Shido MM, Savitsky VI ( OJSC Kryvbaszalizorudkom)) on the basis of a license agreement for the first time in the CIS produced flat rubber balancing ropes (SCC) in Kryvyi Rih, OJSC Kryvbaszalizorudkom. SCCs are operated in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia.

Since 1981, a new area of ​​research has appeared at the department - the study of the dynamics and strength of the rolling stock of railway transport and bridge structures (Prof. SE Blokhin). Mathematical modeling, large-scale natural tests have made it possible to obtain a number of technical solutions that reduce the wear of wheelsets and rails, increase the durability of bridge structures, increase the safety of quarry trains. In 1988, a branch research laboratory of the dynamics and strength of load-bearing structures of artificial structures of mining and metallurgical enterprises in southern Ukraine was established.

The dynamics of lifting installations was studied by MA Черниш, А.М. Obukhov, VV Bezpalko, L.Ya. Fomicheva, TI Жигула, К.С. Zabolotny, VP Франчук, А.С. Poversky, MV Half-width. The results of research by these scientists made it possible to substantiate new means of designing high-performance mine hoists, to ensure the safety of their operation at great depths. Another area of ​​research of the department is the study of the dynamics and strength of mining and beneficiation machines and structures. Professors RP took an active part in this direction. Didyk, BV Виноградов, Л.В. Kolosov, associate professors, candidates of technical sciences EV Широченко, Ф.В. Chudnovsky, A.M. Trudov, SI Ляховицький, Л.П. Voloshin, VI Rozdyalovsky, TB Guy. Scientists of the department have developed calculations of structural elements of mining machines: dumper (Assoc. Prof. VM Trudov), traction and cargo chains (Assoc. Prof. VF Ugolnikov). Associate professors VP worked on the creation of structural elements of enrichment equipment. Ravishin and VV Sailor. The results of their research made it possible to increase the efficiency of operation of vibrating screens and butar with rubber-string strings. Prof. R.P. Didyk formed a new scientific direction at the department - the use of explosive energy for welding of dissimilar metals and strengthening the parts of mining and metallurgical machines. A group of scientists (Prof. IV Belmas, Prof. LV Kolosov) substantiated and introduced into the practice of designing the parameters of belt conveyors in transition areas, which increase the shelf life of rubber bands up to 5 years, developed a theory for calculating belt conveyors.

Since 1970, a group of researchers led by prof. B.V. Vinogradova worked on the creation and improvement of large ore mills and developed a method of dynamic calculation of large gearboxes used in mill drives, as well as a method of calculating the durability of open gears. Since 1981, a new area of ​​research has appeared at the department - the study of the dynamics and strength of the rolling stock of railway transport and bridge structures (Prof. SE Blokhin). Mathematical modeling, large-scale natural tests have made it possible to obtain a number of technical solutions that reduce the wear of wheelsets and rails, increase the durability of bridge structures, increase the safety of quarry trains. In 1988, a branch research laboratory of the dynamics and strength of bridge structures of mining and metallurgical industries in southern Ukraine was established.

Preparing scientific and pedagogical staff, the department kept the main scientific directions, which were formed by O.M. Diary. He defended three dissertations for the title of Master of Mechanics (1908), Doctor of Engineering (1912) and Master of Applied Mathematics (1915).

At the department doctoral dissertations were defended by A.Sh. Lokshin (1928); F.V. Florinsky (1946); L.V. Kolosov (1987); SE Blokhin (1989), Ropay VA (1998). R.P. Didyk, BV Vinogradov, VI Pozhuyev, IV Belmas, K.S. Zabolotny, LV Novikova, Kolosov DL successfully defended doctoral dissertations, most of which were performed during the work of these teachers at the Department of Structural and Theoretical Mechanics. Candidate's dissertations were defended by: DN Kosenko (1948), ES Stepanov (1949), EM Karasyk, S.I. Lyakhovitsky (1953), VN Trudov (1961), VF Ugolnikov (1962), RP Didik (1965), I.A. Lokshin (1966), N.A. Chernysh, B.V. Виноградов, Л.В. Kolosov (1967), A.S. Poversky (1970), VV Безпалько, А.Н. Obukhov (1975), VA Ropay (1976), L.Ya. Fomicheva, OM Dolgov (1977), I.V. Belmas (1978), K.S. Zabolotny (1979), VD Kirnos (1984), VI Pozhuyev (1986), IV Данович, С.О. Titov (1988), Matisina NV (1989), Kolosov DL (2002), Kolosov DL (2015).

Lecturers who have dedicated their lives to work at the department

Vasyl Ivanovych Rozdyalovsky taught theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, structural mechanics, engaged in research work. Vasyl Ivanovych was born in Kamyanets, Grodno Province (now Brest Region, Belarus) in 1914. His father, Ivan Rozdyalovsky, was a student at the Forest Institute at the time, and his mother, Maria Stepanovna, worked as a teacher. In 1915, during the First World War, the family was evacuated to Katerynoslav. In 1916, the father graduated from the Forest Institute in Kharkiv, after which he moved with his family to the Smolensk province, where in 1923 he finally settled in Roslavl. There in 1930 VI Rozdyalovsky graduated from high school, after which he worked as a communications worker on the construction of the railway. In 1931 he entered the third year of the Roslavl Evening Robfak, after which in 1933 he entered the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers. After studying in 1939, VI Rozdyalovsky was sent to work at the Moscow office for the design of the Baikal-Amur highway, but was soon drafted into the Red Army. He served in the railway troops, where he went from private to engineer-captain. He served in the Trans-Baikal Military District, took part in the Great Patriotic War on the Karelian Front in 1943-1944. As a military engineer he was engaged in the restoration of railways in Ukraine. He completed his service in Dnepropetrovsk. VI Rozdyalovsky had two orders and 12 medals. In particular, he was awarded the medals "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic", "For Participation in the Great Patriotic War", "For the Restoration of Ferrous Metallurgy of the South" and others.
- After demobilization, from 1946 to 1953, Vasyl Ivanovych worked at the State Design Institute "Prydniprovsky Prombudproekt". In 1953 he was elected head of the Department of Building Materials and Works of the course "Engineering Structures" of the Faculty of Engineering of the Dnepropetrovsk Agricultural Institute, where in 1955 he received the title of associate professor. After the liquidation of the faculty, in 1955 he moved to work at the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology to the position of associate professor of theoretical mechanics and resistance of materials.
- In 1963, VI Rozdyalovsky went to work at the Dnipropetrovsk Mining Institute (DGI) as an associate professor of theoretical and structural mechanics, where he worked until the end of his career. The following year he was sent to linguistics courses in Moscow for in-depth study of the French language. By the way, many years later he owned it perfectly. From September 1965 to September 1967, Vasily Ivanovich had a crucial time: he worked as a teacher in Cambodia and was awarded the Order of the Commander of Cambodia.
- March 9, 1979 VI Rozdyalovsky retired, but continued to maintain ties with the institute.
- Vasyl Ivanovych passed away on June 23, 2007. He was buried in the cemetery of the town of Sendendre in Hungary.