Department of STAM

#1 Educational and professional program:
Innovative materials and engineering of elevator and lifting systems

Specialty: 132 - Materials Science
Area of knowledge: 13 - Mechanical engineering

Where you will work?
In the companies of our partners at the enterprises of machine-building, housing and communal, construction, etc. sectors of the economy in management and engineering positions.

Additional features:
- receiving a second university education, together with the first;
- study of foreign languages in eight linguistic centers of the university;
- internships at leading foreign universities (Germany, Poland, France, etc.);
- obtaining a double diploma from European countries;
- training at the military department.

Why do you choose us:
Training of mechanical engineers by specialization provides universal engineering education with perfect mastery of knowledge about modern means of design and operation of technological equipment of industrial enterprises, programming and debugging of machines using modern information and nanotechnology.

You can work in next positions:
- head of production units in industry,
- head of the department of marketing and external activities of the enterprise,
- chief and foreman of production sites in industry,
- head of the technical and economic service of the enterprise,
- head of sales,
- інженера з ремонту, монтажу й обслуговування промислового обладнання,
- інженера з сертифікації та дизайну машин,
- інженера з комплектації устаткування,
- інженера з механізації та автоматизації виробничих процесів,
- інженера з механізації трудомістких процесів,
- інженера-механіка та інженера-конструктора,
- інженера в підрозділах головного технолога та механіка,
- викладача вищого навчального закладу та ін.

Сертифікати ЗНО:
Бюджетна пропозиція:
- українська мова та література;
- математика;
- фізика або іноземна мова.
Небюджетна пропозиція:
- українська мова та література;
- історія України;
- математика або географія.

Terms of training:
first level (bachelor's) - 4 years;
the first level for a reduced period of study - 3 years;
second level (master's) - 1 year. 4 months.

Form of study:
full-time - 60 licensed places;
in absentia - 40 licensed places.

Qualification of specialists:
Bachelor of Materials Science
Master of Materials Science